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“The three laws of the human body”: Balance, Economy and Comfort

The human body obeys three laws: 1) BALANCE 2) ECONOMY (seeks to spend the least amount of energy) 3) COMFORT (seeks that there is no pain) BALANCE: Balance is fundamental, and to sustain it the body uses resources that are as economical as possible (with the least energy expenditure). The perfect, immobile balance does not exist. A clear analogy is the tightrope walker on a rope: always seeking to stabilize through movement and swing; and if it stayed still, it would fall. The problem appears when this balance is broken due to a multitude of factors, such as: - Poor posture maintained. - Bad repetitive movements. - Lifestyles that are too sedentary or excessively active without the necessary rest. - Bad nutrition. ECONOMY: The human body seeks to spend as little energy as possible, using the least amount of resources to achieve a state of balance and comfort (not pain). Basic functions (such as posture, breathing, circulation, digestion, etc.) should consume little energy, and in this way the individual will have more resources for actions of movement and relationship (having exchanges with their environment). If energy management were not economical, you would get tired and exhausted, losing the desire to move and communicate. COMFORT: The human being is willing to do anything to not suffer. It will curve, its mobility will decrease, and all these adaptations will generate a greater expenditure of energy, but recovering its comfort. So we see that the body tries above all to maintain balance and comfort, increasing energy expenditure. To live comfortably and not feel pain, the body will generate adaptations and compensations in the musculoskeletal system, visceral system, etc. The objective of osteopathy is to look for any dysfunction (loss of mobility), so that the body has greater balance, comfort, and in the most economical way possible.



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