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Summative effects of dysfunctions in the body: "What is the cause of death?" According to Fryette

Fryette (1876-1960) was one of the pioneers in osteopathy research.

He used a very simple but useful example to illustrate the clinical consequences of an "accumulation" of essentially minor problems affecting different spheres of an individual, and how their addition could ultimately lead to death. .

It also raised the profound question of what was the cause of death? Before attempting his illustration, I state that all individuals have their own ability to cope with various types and degrees of stressors.

He then defined the concept that each individual has a point of resistance, beyond which they will perish.

For didactic purposes, he chose 1,000 units as the critical point. An individual suffering from a dental infection can suffer 100 units as a consequence.

However, the related concern costs you 100 units.

This long-suffering individual was also the subject of a sacroiliac dysfunction that caused lumbago and sciatica, at a cost of 200 units and, just in case, 100 units were discounted due to nutritional deficiencies and another 100 due to endocrine deficiencies.

Therefore, at this time, your “total dysfunction” equals 700 units.

200 final units of asthenia and another 200 of pneumonia make him exceed his limit of 1,000 units and, sadly, he dies.

The death certificate indicates that he died of pneumonia.

Fryette proposes that he did not really die of pneumonia, but of the sum of each and every one of the contributing factors.

If the individual in question had been treated by a psychologist, allopath, osteopath, nutritionist, etc., each of them would have "searched for his or her own pet dysfunction," but in doing so, even if a therapist was able to alleviate some of the the charge, it might have been enough to allow the body's self-rebalancing faculties to return him to a state of relative health.

"Find the optimal dose of any activity: Little sun, you don't get a tan.

Enough, you tan.

Too much, you burn"

tim ferris



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