Everything in the body moves, even liquids, this being essential for health. Faced with a restriction of movement, a phenomenon called compensation occurs: this means that another neighboring structure moves more to compensate the first. (Reactional hypermobility). The interesting thing about this concept is that the pain appears in the structure that compensates: the one that is hypermobile. This explanation allows us to understand why on many occasions it is not in the area of the symptom where the problem or dysfunction is found. An analogy that clearly exemplifies the above could be "the operation of a factory": If a worker works less (he is "hypomobile"), the others must work more and move more to compensate for the lack of movement of the first (reactional hypermobility). In this case, the worker who presents symptoms and pain is the hypermobile, and the way to alleviate it is by restoring mobility to his colleagues. The goal of osteopathy is to release the movement restrictions of all the structures of the body; not only at the joint level, as might be assumed, but also at the level of the organs, nerves, arteries, bones, etc.