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First Law of Osteopathy: The body is a unit

All parts of the body are integrated.

At the anatomical level, it can be seen that the entire body and its systems are linked by fascia (a fibrous, cloth-like membrane that envelops and interconnects all structures).

Fascia is continuous from start to finish, so it links one system to another and allows them to work in harmony.

Compensation and adaptation are also highlighted in this idea of ​​unity.

The change in one system will be accompanied by adaptation in another, always trying to maintain an integrated and functional system.

Therefore, a variation in any of the organ systems will have an effect on other areas.

An analogy to understand this concept is the following: the human body as a camping tent.

The tent has a fabric that surrounds it (it would be the fascia or connective tissue) and sticks that support it (it would be the bones).

If the tent is pulled or pulled by its fabric at one point, it will tilt and its entire system will be "pulled" towards that point or zone of tension.

This will cause the sticks that hold it to also reorganize so that it adjusts to that new situation.

By releasing the tent fabric, by releasing it, it tends to self-stabilize (it returns to its center, its axis, automatically).

The same happens with the human body: if there is any restriction in the connective tissue or fascia, which generates tension in the system, it will adapt seeking the least energy expenditure, maximum comfort and balance.

The objective of Osteopathy is to release these restrictions, so that the organism can return to its axis and stabilize itself, as the carp would do in the aforementioned analogy.



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